Firstly, we've got a cast! You can read more about them on our Instagram page (@bloodbuzz_film), but we're very happy to introduce you to Beth Taylor (playing Lianna); Johnny Vivash (playing Greg; and Ed Hartland (playing Kyle!)

Secondly, we've had a makeover! You can see our new and improved funding page over on Greenlit, and we've got some really exciting updates to come soon, especially in relation to rewards, merchandise, and production props that future donors might be tempted by. We've also added some additional information, including updated colour palettes.

Thirdly - we've actually shot something! We had our first shooting block on the 7th of September. 10 of us trekked out to an abandoned farm in Suffolk that we had rented for the day to film on and we shot the opening scenes of the film and the final scene. We then all stayed overnight in a Best Western in Brome - and had some pints in the pub afterwards to celebrate, of course! This was because we wanted to catch the last of the summer weather in a film about climate change (and before it got too cold to film outdoors!); and we weren't totally ready to shoot the whole film.
We had an absolutely brilliant day - it was really warm but not too scorching; our actors and crew were all absolutely phenomenal; we had hot food made close by and we got some great footage!
You can head over to our Instagram or our greenlit page if you want to see more Behind the Scenes snaps from the day.
Again, thank you so much for your contribution - we are nearly there and we can't wait to show you what we've made!
Much love and thanks from Daisy and Mike