Charlotte: The Movie
After being locked out with nowhere to go, a young girl is taken in by an older man with questionable intentions.
Charlotte: The Movie

Hello, Georgia & Martin here! We are the creators of 'Charlotte: The Movie'. Thank you for taking the time to see what out project is about!

Charlotte, a young teenage school girl, finds herself stranded in the rain with nowhere to go. She lives in a small, secluded village so she walks on for miles in search for someone who can help her. In the distance she sees a house; as she walks further towards it, she notices the lights shining through one of the rooms. We see her hesitation as she approaches the door. As she knocks, the door opens on Roy standing on the other side. Roy, an older man, is caught off guard as he sees a young Charlotte soaked from the rain, looking upset and vulnerable. Roy asks her what she is doing alone at that time of night and why she is knocking on his door. After a while, Charlotte explains that something has happened at home with her dad and she needed to get away until her mum gets back home. She explains her mum is away for a couple of days and wont be back until the weekend. He asks her if she can call someone for help but she tells him that her phone has died and needs somewhere to charge it. Roy lets her inside. He tries to get as much information out of her as possible and after noticing the bruising on her face, realises she has potentially ran away from an abusive situation. Unable to charge her phone, and Roy’s claims that he has no phone or contact with the outside world, she is unable to contact anyone she knows for help. After she rejects Roy’s offer to drive her home, he feels his only other option to help her is to offer her a place to stay for the night.
As the story progresses, we discover more about Charlotte and Roy which leads the audience to question; Has she ran away from home? Is there more to Charlotte's truth? Is Roy's kindness what it seems?

This project has in development since September 2019. Originally, Martin was the creator and Georgia was on board only as an actor. After filming for a couple of days in November 2019, they realised that the project had more potential and wanted to re film with a budget. As they continued to discuss the project, Martin asked Georgia to re write the script with him and be involved as a co-creator. Since that point their relationship blossomed both professionally and personally. Charlotte: The Movie is very important to them as it's where they met and they have a lot to thank it for. They can't wait to start filming professionally to see everything they have worked on brought to life, together.

Martin is also the Director Of Photography and lead editor of the project. He is very excited to bring Charlotte's story to life on set and tell her story in the most effective way during post production. As well as working on pre production for 'Charlotte: The Movie' in lockdown, we have both been creating short films to keep people entertained during this uncertain time. This also gave us the opportinuty to develop our skills and stay creatively busy in the lead up to filming our feature.
Locked IN 2020
Shot and edited in 2 days during lockdown. (No budget)
LAUTIR - Trailer 2020
A 20 min short created during lockdown with a £50 budget. Georgia plays twins and voices their mother.
Shot and edited by Martin Hardwick.
Music by 'Charlotte' composer Jordan Osborn.
'Lautir' is still in post production.

'Georgia Conlan is a British actress who graduated from University in 2017. After gaining a First Class BA (Hons) degree in Music Theatre, she made her professional debut in London playing 'Winnie' in 'Annie Get Your Gun' at The Union Theatre. Her other theatre credits include 'Young Susan' in 'Closets The Musical' at The Hope Mill Theatre and 'Esther' in 'PROM!' at Oldham Coliseum. North West End quoted in their review for 'PROM!' "Conlan has the voice of an angel and carries a hefty proportion of the musical numbers in the show. Conlan is certainly a name to watch in future and proved very early on in this production that she is a brilliant young performer with such empathy for the role, but just got stronger and stronger as the story unfolded." After making the decision to get into TV/Film last year, she has appeared as 'Jenny' in the Mcdonald's Festive Advert and recently worked for the BBC. Her recent TV credits include 'Charlie' in '4'Oclock Club' and guest lead 'Heather' in a stand alone episode of BBC 'Doctors'. Earlier this year she was cast as a leading role in retro horror 'Bats: The Awakening'. She has written and directed several short films including 'Locked IN' and 'Sleep Tight', and later this year will be starring and directing her first feature film 'Charlotte' playing the title character.'
Other Confirmed Casting

Jordan Osborn creates the most beautiful and atmospheric music.
He is going to be with us for the whole journey, writing for each scene as we go through the post production process. We didn't want to be limited to stock music, it's so important that Charlotte has it's own unique soundtrack, and Jordan is the man for the job.
Check out the trailer for our short film 'Lautir' (above) to hear what he has created for us so far.

We are delighted to have DAL Productions as our Executive Producers for 'Charlotte: The Movie'. Wife and husband team Lynn and David Coleman are Directors of DAL Productions Ltd. They have a number of film and television projects in development. Following successful careers in Financial Services in the City of London, Lynn and David are also experienced Investors and Business Advisors.

If we were to raise our target here on Greenlit, we will be able to do the following:
Location: We are currently scouting the perfect locations for our film. We believe that our actors and story will be hightened with the perfect location.
Crew: We are looking for a few more crew members to complete our production team. We are specifically looking for skilled and experienced Lighting and Sound designers who can be with us on set focusing on these creative aspects. We are also looking for a 1st AD and runners to help ensure our production days run as smoothly as possible
Cast: During our last fundraiser, we managed to raise enough money for our cast's wages. This was really important to us as we feel that every actor deserves to be paid a fair and equal wage for the effors they will put into filming. Money from this campaign will be put towards travel and accomodation for the actors. We have cast actors from all across the UK, including Scotland, so having these funds will ensure we can get them all to set efficiently and provide them with somewhere to stay.
We are proud to be able to say that post production costs will be next to £0.00 . As mentioned above, Martin will be editing the film in cinema resolution 4K. He will also be colour grading the film. We also have a composer on board who will be scoring the film and mixing the sound for us.
We would love for you to be part of our journey. Any donation will help us achieve our end goal of bringing 'Charlotte: The Movie' to screens of all sizes.
Thank you for taking the time to read our campaign!
If you have any questions and would like to know more, then please feel free to send us a message!
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12297834/
Have a great day!
Georgia & Martin x
Georgia Conlan recently found out she was awarded the 'Best Actor' award for her performance in Locked In at the 'Lockdown Film Festival Awards'.
Safe Sets International Covid-19 Certificate.
The Charlotte team has spent the morning completing the ‘Safe Sets COVID-19’ course. We passed! We are looking forward to planning our production and ensuring that we are doing it safely.
Georgia wins Best Actor Award!
Georgia Conlan recently found out she was awarded the 'Best Actor' award for her performance in Locked In at the 'Lockdown Film Festival Awards'.
Charlotte gets Safe Sets International Covid-19 Certificate
The Charlotte team has spent the morning completing the ‘Safe Sets COVID-19’ course. We passed! We are looking forward to planning our production and ensuring that we are doing it safely.