Hello hello, you wonderful people, thank you once more for your incredible support with our short film.
Earlier this morning we hit our target thanks to some super special high-end backers over the last few days. As I was changing my daughter's nappy at 5 am this morning an email update came in and I danced (quietly) with joy!
Crunching numbers and considering the current situation, we have decided to extend our target because we need to make sure that we are 100% COVID secure. This means hiring in some toilets (because the nursery we used last time will not let us use their facilities time around), acquiring PPE, and all kinds of other stuff (wipes, hand sanitizer, etc). Even though our shoot is outside and most of the cast and crew are young-ish, we can't take any chances so an improved budget will give us greater flexibility. The COVID situation throws a whole heap of stuff at most workplaces and a film shoot is no different. As a predominantly self-employed industry that has ground to a standstill for 3 months + your help in promoting and biggin-up our film and reaching our new target and beyond will help us to be as safe as possible and pay our cast and crew some much-needed income that they haven't had since March.
Thank you everyone and have a great day!