EUSC Presents: Measure for Measure
“Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure;
Like doth quit like, and measure still for measure.”
One of Shakespeare’s genre-breaking problem plays, Measure for Measure follows a city in turmoil - Vienna is chock full of fornicators, drunkards, and a bumbling government overseeing it all.
EUSC Presents: Measure for Measure
The Duke of Vienna has departed and left an immense amount of power in the hands of his second-in-command, the morally righteous Angelo, who instates an authoritarian overhaul. Enter Isabella, about to enter a convent, who must save the life of her brother Claudio - but at a cost. Angelo comes to learn that morality is not black and white - and with prostitutes, brothel madams, and petty criminals running amok, chaos seems inevitable.
A succinct and layered critique of justice systems and the abuse of them, the EUSC’s production of Measure for Measure will be presented entirely digitally. An incredible mix of technology awaits to immerse the audience in a story brimming with themes of power, gender politics, and social hierarchy.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Edinburgh University Shakespeare Company will be presenting it's production of Measure for Measure as a multimedia web series. We appreciate any support you can give us as we endeavour to create theatre in a world that has been without it for a year.