Floating – 飘萍

Family Short Film

At the age of 33, Fang A-Jin decided to start over in London and pursue her dream of acting. As she began to settle, she found herself torn between her own career ambition and the sudden arrival of family responsibilities.

raised of £500.00 goal
8 Backers
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Flexible Funding
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    Floating – 飘萍

    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding

    Floating飘萍 – Meet The Story


    A-Jin moved to London to pursue her dream of acting. Without any family support, she used all her savings to obtain a master's degree in drama.

    After graduating, she hustled to make ends meet. She attended auditions and local theatre groups; worked part-time at a Chinese restaurant; and gave online lessons to students in China. Just as things began to fall into place, she received the news that her mother had fallen ill.

    While growing up, Fang A-Jin didn’t receive as much affection from her parents as her brother did. Despite her resentment, she couldn’t let go of her care for her family.


    Meet The Crew

    We are a group of six film students from University of the Arts London - London College of Communication - BA Film Practice. This is our final year of Bachelor, and we are doing our graduation film.

    Director – Yueqi Guo

    The boundary between the individual and the family is something I often contemplate. Throughout my upbringing, the happiest and saddest emotions have come from the connection and conflict with family. The expectations of parental care and the self-pity with one’s circumstances were the most repressive and rebellious aspects of my youth. If the energy a family gives an individual is predominantly negative, does one have the courage to completely sever ties and leave? Most families, however, are so ordinary, so mediocre—not too bad, not too good—trapping us in a swamp without entirely drowning us, which is the perpetual struggle of every Asian child. I’m curious about the story of a woman who defies East Asian traditions, one who leaves her family and starts over without the typical filial piety dynamic. Her inner conflict and struggle, the journey of becoming her own parent, and the rebirth of herself as a daughter—what kind of character arc will emerge from that? This is where my creation begins.


    Producer – Mona Han

    I'm Mona, and I attend the University of the Arts London to study film. I have produced several student group projects during my time in university. Any position, in my opinion, adds something to the completed movie. I will try my best to produceFloating飘萍》 this time and put all my effort into it. This production will also be a significant challenge for me, not only controlling the budget, but also hard location searching that I have never attempted before. I can relate myself to a lot of things in this short film, like the female protagonist's background of studying and looking for work in a foreign nation, the conundrum of significant life events, and the challenge of having to make decisions.


    DOP – Tzu-Hsing(Billie) Liao

    I am Billie Liao, currently a final year student at London College of Communication. I have chosen my pathway as a cinematographer since 2021, therefore worked in the camera/ lighting team since then.

    I participated in a variety of projects: music videos, fashion films and short films; for instance, SAIYAN SAGA(2023), Interview with JiangShan(2023), Erosion(2023) etc.

    For this film, I hope to achieve aesthetic visual impression of chaos yet loneliness in space; enhance a sense of struggle and exhaustion for the character using designed composition and lighting


    Production Designer – Xinyi(Penny) Wang

    I am the production designer for “Floating飘萍,” Wang Xinyi (Penny). In this project, my goal is to use set design and props to depict environments rooted in two different cultures, while also reflecting each character’s personality and current emotional state. Specifically, for the protagonist, I see her as a symbol of modern female strength, while also embodying the complex emotions and conflicts that exist between East Asian women and their families of origin.

    This shoot involves the construction of multiple sets, which will be a significant challenge for me. However, I hope to draw on my past experience as a production designer to bring this story to life with the best possible visual impact.


    Editor – Lola Ridpath

    Hi I’m Lola, and I’ll be editing Floating. Experiencing London after my seaside upbringing has made me interested in the loneliness and connection which occurs in a busy city. Although I cannot speak of the cultural displacement Fang A-Jing feels, adjusting to the pace of London life is something I am familiar with and keen to communicate. 

    Fang A-Jing is a determined character tested by her surrounding chaos, and I hope to use long duration shots and emotion-based cutting to represent how her circumstances stack up against one another: family, work, and passion. 

    I am super excited to bring together all the ideas of such a talented team. Please donate so we can make this happen!


    Sound Designer – Xiaojing Zhuang

    As the sound designer for *Floating*, I aim to amplify the film's deep exploration of loneliness, displacement, and familial duty through sound, immersing the audience in Fang A-Jin's emotional world. Her journey in London mirrors her internal struggles, caught between the noise of the city and moments of quiet reflection. This stark contrast is brought to life through sound: the distant hum of the city and the intimate silence of her breathing intertwine, reflecting the turmoil and isolation she feels deep within.

    The film seeks to portray the difficult journey of finding one's place between two worlds, and I hope to guide the audience into Fang A-Jin's inner life through sound. Sound is not just an accompaniment to the visuals; it serves as a bridge to the soul of the character, allowing the audience to touch the hidden emotional layers of her journey with each passing moment.


    Use of funds

    Your donation will help the production and filming of our film. All your donations will go toward supporting our needs for transportation, art, locations, and equipment. You can track how each of your donations is being used, and we are happy to provide all the invoices and receipts for you. We will handle your donations with care and prudence, making sure that every cent is spent on necessary and acceptable projects.

    Art Department (props, setting materials, costumes, makeup)

    Camera Department (studio, equipment)

    Production cost (food, transportation, insurance, location)

    How Would Your Donations Help?

    Since we are currently in the student stage, budget is really significant to us. We genuinely want your assistance. Every fund will be appropriately used and distributed. Our production budget will be mostly used for prop purchase, location booking, set construction, and camera department equipment rental.

    What’s Next?

    Thank you very much for your support of our project. We hope you can help us share this story with anyone who feels touched.

    Want to know more about our projects, please send message to: monahan0605@gmail.com. Or follow Instagram account: floating_shortfilm

    THANK YOU!!!

    raised of £500.00 goal
    8 Backers