Hund is a short film about seven year old Jake. Faced with the day of his parents’ divorce, Jake’s anxiety induced Selective Mutism overwhelms and renders him unable to communicate his thoughts and emotions. Desperate for comfort he clings to his best friend - his dog Barley.
Jake is seven when he’s confronted with the day of his parents’ divorce and its heart-breaking consequences. As he and his mum move out of their family home, Jake’s only safe space, he is paralysed by his anxiety induced Selective Mutism. In a desperate search for stability and comfort he clings to his dog Barley. Seeking solace in the inextricable, unspoken link that exists between children and their pets, Jake tries to shut out the world, even as it collapses around him. Driven by childish hope and desperation he attempts to avert the inescapable.

“The only thing that I remember from my parents’ divorce is the moment in which my mother, siblings and I were leaving our family home and were forced to leave behind my best friend - my dog. I had learnt to walk by pulling myself up on her side, had slept and cuddled with her in her basket and even affectionately chewed on her ears.
That day is 25 years ago, yet I still remember it vividly. I also remember the confusion, the panic and the deep sense of loss that I felt for seeing my family fall apart. Divorce can have lasting emotional and mental impacts on all those affected, but especially for the children. Yet we hardly ever, if at all, see divorce portrayed through a child’s eyes. In this regard children are left without a voice and with this film I want to change this.
Through the script writing process and my research I learnt about Selective Mutism, an anxiety disorder which renders the afflicted voiceless in stressful, unfamiliar or scary situations. Though never officially diagnosed with it myself, the more I read and learnt about it, the more I started noticing similarities and familiarities from my own childhood. Selective Mutism and those that suffer with it, children, have become very close to me and to my own truth.
Through this film I want to shine a light on and educate people about children of divorce, Selective Mutism and the extraordinary inner strength of those dealing with it.”
Max Evans - Writer & Director



The Hund team, in partnership with our charity partners, are working to amplify their voices, by helping them raise awareness around children’s mental health, anxiety and Selective Mutism. Our official UK charity partner is the Selective Mutism Information and Research Association - SMiRA - who have also been advising us on the accurate depiction of SM on screen.
Additionally, we have spoken to mental health professionals - specifically in the SM community - around the world and will continue to work with them in order to make sure we depict Selective Mutism accurately on screen.

The teaser was shot before lockdown in December 2020 and stars Max's nephew Vitas and his dog Loki. It was created by our Heads of Departments and shows the full potential of our team working together.
Whilst only test footage, it acts as an insight and mood guide for what our finished film will look and feel like.
Teaser crew:
- Director: Max Evans
- Cinematographer: Adam Singodia
- Editor: James Panting
- Composer: Jonathon Deering
We are planning on having 3 - 4 rehearsal days with our cast members before we shoot and will be filming in a location in London over 3 shooting days.
The pre-production combined with the shoot will cost £20k. As we had £2k in the pot prior to the crowdfunding, we're looking to raise the remaining £18k in our main crowdfunding campaign.
The costs will go to the following departments and services:
- Casting costs (such as casting spaces)
- Crew and cast fees
- Equipment hire (Camera, Lighting, Sound)
- Dog & dog trainer (and dog treats)
- Travel & expenses
- On set catering
- Insurance
- Props & Wardrobe
- Location hire & permits
- PPE and Health & Safety
The overall costs of the film will amount to £25.5k. The additional £5.5k will be needed for post-production - such as editing, original score and colour grade - as well as festival submission fees.

The “Hund” team is working to amplify our charity partners’ voices - such as SMiRA - by helping them raise awareness around children’s mental health, anxiety and Selective Mutism. In order to bring both the film to life, as well as shine a spotlight on the topics "Hund" deals with, we need your support. Whether you've gone through divorce yourself in some shape or form or suffer from an anxiety disorder or know someone who does - we are aiming to make a film that speaks to everybody in some way.
Thank you for your support! We are incredibly excited to bring this film to life!
The Hund team