Keep Young and Beautiful

This is a short film about the pressure to stay 'young and beautiful' whilst tackling animal testing and child labour.

Through humour we are addressing the ugly side of the beauty industry. It's time to ban these archaic cosmetic animal testing methods and expose the more hidden but prolific use of child labour in this industry.

raised of £10,000.00 goal
30 Backers
Seeking funding for
Campaign type
Flexible Funding
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    Keep Young and Beautiful

    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding


    A few years ago I went for a facial that was being promoted as free. When I arrived I was taken to a room and the first thing I was asked was what do you want to change about your face? I have always believed myself to be grounded about my looks. I am not a model and never will be yet as each flaw was emphasised and catastrophised they stripped away my confidence playing into all my insecurities that come with ageing. I walked out of there a wreck with a bag full of expensive creams I would never use and had signed up to insanely expensive treatments I couldn’t afford. In that hour they had made me feel like the most ugly, old and disgusting version of me I had ever experienced. I got home and burst into tears. This was an intensified experience of what we get drip fed daily through mediums such as social media and the press. The pressure to look a certain way, as if that is the basis of our value in this world. This pressure to stay looking young and beautiful is eclipsing individuality, confidence and health, with processes involving gruelling, strict and sometimes insane regimes.

    I wanted to write about my experience as it was so overwhelming and made me realise just how fragile we are to this pressure. I wanted to addresses these topics through humour as I think laughter is a wonderful way to take stock of life and see things in a new light.  I hope this film can help us start rethinking this toxic way of thinking about ourselves and that we can start seeing the real beauty in one another without harming animals and exploiting children. We need this change in the world for a happier more real human experience. Exploring thought-provoking themes through humour is such a powerful way to spark engaging and meaningful discussions and inspire real change.


    Together we can ban these archaic cosmetic animal testing methods, there's no place for it. The world’s largest and most influential beauty markets need to lead the way & this will come from us the consumers. If people don't buy it, they won't make it. 




    More hidden is the use of  child labour in the beauty industry. An ugly side to this  industry that many aren't even aware of.

    Global policies need to change, corporate responsibility increase, & that will be influenced by US the consumers who NEED to take action.

    We are a team of award-winning filmmakers who have come together to tell stories that matter whilst also giving people who are new in the industry an opportunity to learn along-side us. We are backed by a team of seasoned professionals with a proven track record in the film industry.

    Directing this we are delighted to have Emmy nominated Director Neil Marshall (Dog soldiers, descent, Game of Thrones etc ( and 1st AD is Award Winning Director Matt Taylor  (  and the icing on the cake are our incredible actresses!! We have  Eva Pope ( Lahbib ( and Kate Magowan ( starring in this.

    Our core team are donating their time to this cause but there are expenses we just cant cover.

    We need help with our location which is our biggest expense. Also we need to cover everyones travel and hire a van for moving equipment around and have insurance in place for the shoot along with some post production expenses that we will need to out source.

    We also need to feed all cast and crew. You would be amazed at how that adds up!  

    All donations will make a huge difference. We are completely committed to making this film stand out and do its job creating a platform for change. Please join us on this journey!

    raised of £10,000.00 goal
    30 Backers
    A great big thankyou on our social media platforms!

    This story is very close to our hearts and we truly believe through this film we can make a difference. We cant do it without your support though. Donations of any size are so appreciated and every single one will be given a personal thankyou on our social media platforms.

    See your name in the credits!

    We will give you a great big thankyou in the film credits

    Digital Poster of the Film

    On completion we shall give you the poster of Keep Young and Beautiful.

    Join us for the exclusive premiere of Keep Young and Beautiful!

    Join us for the exclusive premiere of Keep Young and Beautiful and stay for the after party where you will be able to meet the cast and crew.

    Bring a friend!! All the above but with a friend!!

    Join us for the exclusive premiere, stay for the after party where both of you can meet the cast and crew.

    Role in Keep Young and Beautiful.

    Role in Keep Young and Beautiful.
    Are you a budding actor, have you always dreamt about seeing yourself on the big screen? Well, this is your chance! We have 10 roles up for grabs. You will get to be on set, meet all the cast and crew and get the experience of being part of a film. You will get a proper industry recognised acting credit for a non speaking role in the film which will be on IMDB and in the film credits and you will of course join us for the exclusive premiere of Keep Young and Beautiful and stay for the after party.

    (5 remaining out of 5)
    Associate Producer.

    Have you dreamt of being part of a film crew, seeing your name there on the big screen credited as an associate producer. This is your chance! You will have a proper IMDB credit to show the world and will of course get to join us for the exclusive premiere of Keep Young and Beautiful and stay for the after party where you will be able to meet the cast and crew.

    Executive Producer

    The big credit! This is one to dazzle. You will see your name their on the credits of the film and will have a proper industry recognised IMDB credit to show how important you are to the making if this film. You will also get to join us for the exclusive premiere of Keep Young and Beautiful and stay for the after party where you will be able to meet the cast and crew.
