We are absolutely floored by the support we’ve received for Kindred. In less than 72 hours, we have reached £5,000 in crowdfund donations. 
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all so much for believing in us and allowing Kindred to become a reality. We would especially like to thank our new Executive and Associate Producers, whose contributions go above and beyond. 

Because we reached our goal so quickly, we have decided to set a stretch-goal for between £5,500 and £6,500. Reaching this goal would allow us to pay core members of our team who have so generously volunteered their time for free, as well as cover entry into festivals and allow us to improve every aspect of production. 
Every single donation counts, and we’ve set up some amazing rewards to show our appreciation. If you aren't able to donate, sharing our project across social media is incredibly helpful! 


We started working on Kindred in between early-morning Zoom calls, trying to defy the constraints of our respective time-zones, and to see what it’s become today is completely surreal. 

Thank you all so much!
- Team Kindred  <3