The Long Walk
Inspired by a true story...In the 1980s, a teenager experiences a trauma and suffers a breakdown. Later in life, he suffers another psychotic episode and is lost on London's streets. Help comes from unexpected kindness...
The Long Walk
A hero’s story, originally conceived by Writer & Executive Producer Andrew Alton-Read, adapted for screen by Monet Morgan with further editing contributions by Director, Editor & Script Editor Vignesh Vyas and Artistic Director, Alex Larusso. We follow the journey of a young teenager and his battle with mental health into manhood, refusing to give up despite the obstacles that his mental health stacks against him.
THE LONG WALK will resonate with individuals, families, and organisations in its emotionally touching, thought-provoking snapshot of mental health issues and experiences, in its positive message of recovery.

Our film is inspired by the true story of someone who was admitted into the mental health system, after a trauma. Psychosis as it’s known today, is one of several mental health disorders that can present in teenage years with episodes reoccurring in adulthood.
THE LONG WALK’s storyline and messages are as relevant in these 2020s as they were years ago. Look around you, chat to people, watch the news, follow social media… new traumatic experiences during Covid… past one’s resurfacing… stresses… adults and children cannot cope with what’s going on in their heads… behavioural changes… lost on the streets… despairing families…
More and more people are struggling with mental health issues. Scantily available resources can make it hard to believe that reaching out, to get help, can truly work. It is important for people to know that help can be sought. It’s hoped that the film will raise awareness of what people’s mental health experiences can be like, whilst simultaneously reaching out to those who need to be supported. For people to feel safe to open up and talk about things.
However long the walk of emotional suffering lasts and whatever its type or cause, the sufferer’s journey impacts more widely on other people. Ignorance is not bliss. Prevention is better than cure. Kindly assistance needs to happen and appropriate treatment is necessary for recovery.

If we can help or prevent at least one person from suffering, as our film’s protagonist, Daniel James does, then we have succeeded in our goal!
Many might not feel positive about a film focused on mental health and may choose to shy away from it. However, by following our male protagonist on his journey with psychosis, we know our film will touch your hearts. We hope it will raise questions, provoke thought and discussion wider than its artistic remit.
We want to create awareness artistically and sympathetically of mental health disorders generally, through dramatically portraying psychosis in a way that reflects the truth, but with a storyline that ends positively and uplifts the audience in showing that mental health suffering can be triumphed over.

Bottling things up and inappropriate treatment makes things worse. But reaching out, not staying silent, asking for help, then taking the appropriate advice and treatment when offered, leads to a healthier, happier mind that can motivate and aid others in their recovery too.
Andrew Alton-Read is the Executive Producer and originator (actor, producer, director, voice over artist, radio presenter) who has a fantastic team of Associate Producers working with him to crowdfund the project. We’ve recently assigned a new director, Vignesh Vyas and are in the process of tailoring the script and overall production to fit with our revised plan to make a 12–15-minute film on a lower budget. We intend to film this November.
Now you’re talking!
Check out our target at the top of the page, to keep track of how we’re doing. Whether you donate £1, £2, £5 or more, we’re extremely grateful for your help. Every amount counts and we say thank you in advance. Can we get you to donate now?
You can help make this project happen by clicking on the donate button and using your flexible, friendly credit/bank card to… Donate, donate, donate!
Tell your friends, family and colleagues about us and encourage them to donate, donate, donate! Feel free to share this link with them: THE LONG WALK FILM. We’re only on here until the end of October but need the money before then to use towards the production costs.
Your support in helping us spread the word through our social media channels is JUST AS IMPORTANT. So follow us on INSTAGRAM, TWITTER and FACEBOOK. Share our posts, engage with us directly on our threads/posts or by using #thelongwalkfilm (Instagram/Twitter) and @longwalk_short (Facebook) @longwalkshort in your posts.
Filming will take place on location between London and Essex with the emphasis on using local talent, both established and new to the industry, behind and in front of the camera. We are dedicated film makers and are all too familiar with how challenging this industry can be on varying levels. The arts have been severely impacted due to the pandemic. Funding for smaller projects like ours is even more difficult than it was before. By supporting our project, you are helping us create opportunities for those who haven’t yet established themselves, as well as helping us to change the conversation about mental health.
If you love the Arts, you’ll be buzzing that your donation helped make our short film and will be seen by audiences.
If you feel a connection with mental health issues, feel great that you are part of our team, helping us raise more awareness of them and, therefore, helping others.
Think how much weight will be lifted off your scales as well as your shoulders if you donate your cake money to us!
There’s plenty in this for you - especially an opportunity to see a great short film!
THE LONG WALK team are very grateful for your help. Now that’s a fab thing too, right?
But… go on… there could be something else in it for you… scope out the rewards/perks we are offering by way as a little thank you!