
Thank you so much for donating and supporting the campaign. You all ROCK and are officially Indie filmakers now!

We've raised £16,000 through the generosity of all 202 of you who put your money where your mouth was - this is really amazing and we’re grateful to each and every one of you!

Considering the circumstances Greenlit were very generous and extended our campaign to adjust for time lost, we officially close at 9pm tonight.

We were disappointed that SXSW was cancelled, as the weeks go on it’s clear we’re all in the same boat and experiencing the same moment. However, this has made all your support even more crucial to help us in finishing the film.

As everyone takes stock and figures out the plans over the next months, we’ll also have a clearer idea of when the rewards will be available to all you.

You’re now part of the OMAHS team so we’ll keep you in the loop all the way and when our time does come, we look forward to celebrating with you first!

Thanks again, big love and stay safe everyone! 

Will, Yemi and Michael 
