TREE, a short film taking a historical view of today's hot topics. #metoo #covid #genderdisparity #mentalhealth

Set in London, 1918, during the time of the Spanish Flu, HARRY a magician, and LULU a magician’s assistant, are in lockdown in his bedsit. One night, before bed, Lulu looks out the window and sees, for the first time, a tree. Harry does not. This kicks off an exploration of their relationship and whether Lulu is really safer inside than out.

raised of £3,250.00 goal
52 Backers
Seeking funding for
Campaign type
Flexible Funding
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    TREE, a short film taking a historical view of today's hot topics. #metoo #covid #genderdisparity #mentalhealth

    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding

    TREE is a 12-minute dramedy with magic realism elements.

    Set in London 1918, HARRY (late 30s), a magician and his assistant LULU (18) are in lockdown in his bedsit, hiding out from Spanish flu, bombings from German Zeppelins, and – for Lulu – the threat that society has over women by sectioning or hanging.

    One night, before bedtime, Lulu looks out of their window to see a beautiful TREE. Harry does not see it. Every night, she looks at Tree and, over time, Harry’s concern for her mental wellbeing grows.

    But is outdoors worse than being inside? To pass the time, Lulu and Harry explore their relationship, from their first meeting when Lulu was 14 and had escaped from the cruel nuns at the orphanage, to their time touring on the road, to now.

    As Lulu looks out on Tree every night, Harry’s concern for Lulu grows. All the while, he expresses his passion for her, which Lulu does not reciprocate.

    Months later, as Harry makes a play for Lulu, she runs out of the door to freedom and Tree. As Harry lunges to hold her back, he sees Tree for the first time. He collapses, a broken man.

    Our CHARACTERS are:

    LULU - 18, a magician’s assistant. She is beautiful, high-spirited, playful. Raised an orphan in a home run by cruel nuns, she was very much alone in the world until she met Harry.

    HARRY - 36, a magician. Very much a man of his time, when it was expected and acceptable for an older man to find a girl just out of puberty to “teach her” (sexually) the way into womanhood.

    BUNBUN - A stuffed toy rabbit, beloved by both Lulu and Harry.

    TREE - Is Tree real? Or a figment of Lulu’s imagination? Tree will be played by LIGHT and SHADOW, or STOP MOTION ANIMATION.

    WHY NOW:

    Like now, 1918 was a time of confusion: war, global pandemic, a fight for our civil liberties.

    With COVID only recently behind us, and the #MeToo movement still making waves, it is only through examining the past that we can make sense of the present.


    By backing TREE, you are making a difference.

    Thank you.


    Casting is going well. We have so many great choices for both LULU and HARRY.

    Our decision to run an integrated casting (irregardless of race and sex) has really brought us some talented actresses and actors that we have have begun to short-list.

    Watch this space!

    raised of £3,250.00 goal
    52 Backers
    Buy us a coffee, please

    Make mine a posh latte.

    I'm going to need several on an all-night shoot.

    Buy a LEAF

    Fun fact! Edible TREE leaves include:

    Beech, Birch, Goji, Hawthorn, Lime, Mulberry, Pine, Sassafras, Walnut, Willow, Maple.

    What TREE do you want to see out your window?

    Your LEAF donate goes towards catering on set.


    Buy a VOTE because I am a WOMAN

    In 1918, (some) women finally got the vote in the UK.

    But, still, we STILL don't have equal pay.

    Your backing helps WOMEN FILMMAKERS realise our film. We aim to spend your money wisely, and make an award-winning film that will aid us in continuing on our way to being the next Greta Gerwigs, Chloé Zhaos, and Ava DuVernays.

    Buy a VOTE because I am a MAN

    As a whole, you get paid more. So, donate more and help female filmmakers realise their dream.

    Thank you.

    Keep Lulu dancing

    So does our protagonist, LULU.

    Help her keep dancing, during the long days of lockdown. Buy her a record.

    Buy a TREE

    According to The Woodland Trust, the London plane is thought to be a cross between the Oriental plane and the American sycamore – both of which had been introduced to Britain. By chance, one of each species had been planted in the London nursery garden of John Tradescant, the younger which cross-pollinated to produce a new hybrid. It was first noticed by Tradescant – a famous botanist – in the mid-17th century and named after the city where it originated.

    Planting of the new hybrid across London started in the late 18th century and nowadays it is a common tree in London, both as a street

    Contemplating running away to the circus?

    Dreaming of joining the circus in Rome? Vegas? Or at the English seaside? TREE welcomes all dreamers.

    Your ticket goes towards making this production happen.

    Help our dreamers, and you will receive "A Special Thanks" in the credits.

    Keep Harry Reading

    Help keep our antagonist, HARRY, up to date with news from around the world.

    As he and LULU are in lockdown for a loooong time (remember those days?), buy him a one year subscription.

    With your support, this film will get made. You will receive a SPECIAL THANKS message in the credits and be invited to the premiere.

    (12 remaining out of 12)
    I want to be a PRODUCER

    I have a secret desire
    Hiding deep in my soul
    It sets my heart afire
    To see me in this role
    I wanna be a producer
    With a hit show on Broadway
    I wanna be a producer
    Lunch at Sardi's everyday
    I wanna be a producer
    Sport a top hat and a cane
    I wanna be a producer
    And drive those girls insane

    If you support us by this amount, you will basically be paying for our LOCATION which, in London, no matter how much we negotiate, will be EXPENSIVE.

    So, for this amount, you get:

    An executive producer credit, both in the credits and

    You will be invited to the premiere.

    (7 remaining out of 7)
    Location, Location

    Locations, in London, cost MONEY. Even affordable locations aren't free.

    We have found the PERFECT location for our film shoot. It even comes with PROPS from 1918.

    But, we need to pay for it. Can you be our location angel?

    (1 remaining out of 1)