
A young girl attempts to navigate the sea front on the search of her missing alcoholic mother over one night.

raised of £1,500.00 goal
88 Backers
Seeking funding for
Campaign type
Flexible Funding
Support project


    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding


    We are now raising money for our stretch goal which is an additional £1000 so that we can get a festival strategy created by Festival Formula and get the film out to festivals across the globe.

    Total goal: £2500


    So, What's WanderLand?

    WanderLand is a short film that is very close to my heart; it is a social realism drama following six year old, Alice, who is taken to a seaside resort by her mum almost every night after school. One night, whilst Alice is wandering down the pier, she loses sight of her mum and awakens to the world around her.

    We have completed the production of the short and it is now in post-production, which we are raising additional funds for. The film was lucky enough to have been funded by Genera Films, but our original budget expanded to due to additional costs that popped up as filming went ahead.

    Below you can find some screenshots of our incredible short film.


    The funds raised on this campaign will be used to finish the film and pay a small fee towards each of our post-production team, to cover their time and expenses. We were lucky enough to be awarded funding by Genera Films in 2020, which has covered our production but isn't enough to cover our post-production funds and we really need your help to get this film off the ground.

    Once we raise the initial £1500, we are looking to raise an additional amount of funds to help with a festival strategy and submissions. We hope to work to work with Festival Formula on the films release.



    Only 30% left to raise!!

    Thank you, honestly, so much for donating to this campaign - making this film has been a long journey! I wrote it back in mid 2019, cast it by end of that year, we then went onto filming it in early 2020 but the pandemic stopped us completing the film.

    Wow! Over £1600!

    WanderLand is the gift that keeps on giving and you are all that gift! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to the campaign so far, we are 25 days away from finishing the campaign with about £895 left to raise (absolutely not impossible!).

    We are at 103% of our goal!!

    Wow thank you so much, we have hit 100% of our goal with 10 days to go! Now that we have hit our post-production goal, we have a further stretch goal of £1000 to help us get the film out to festivals, which will include us getting a festival strategy from the incredible Festival Formula!!

    raised of £1,500.00 goal
    88 Backers
    Social Media Shout Out & Film Thank You Credit
    Early Online Access to the Film!

    Limited access to the film online over a set period of time.

    Official Poster + Film Screener

    Get your hands on a beautiful physical poster for your home, plus watch our film online! And, of course, you get a thank you credit!

    Early Access to Film, Exclusive Soundtrack Listen + Holly Shoutout!

    BRAND NEW PERK. Get early access to our film, a link to listen to our soundtrack created by Richard Collins and a shout out from the star of our film, Holly.

    WanderLand's Manchester Cast + Crew Premiere

    Get access to the cast and crew premiere taking place in Autumn 2021 (dates TBC) in Manchester.

    *This perk entitles you to one ticket, plus a credit in our film!

    (8 remaining out of 10)
    Behind the Scenes Booklet

    A booklet of BTS images, script notes and quotes from the film and its talent including exclusive looks at the difference between Alice 2020 to its transition to WanderLand 2021. Be aware: This will only be available to view online for environmental and COVID related purposes.

    1hr Video Call with the director of WanderLand

    Opportunity to have a 1-2-1 with the director, Nicole Pott. This could be a wonderful gift for a young director who is looking an introduction to filmmaking and directing.*

    *Please be aware that this would not be a mentorship and Nicole would be happy to discuss this opportunity if it is of interest.

    (2 remaining out of 3)
    Associate Producer

    Thank you so much for your kind backing! You will receive an associate producer credit on our film, alongside a copy of the booklet, a 1-2-1 with Nicole, early access to the film and a ticket to our cast and crew premiere (date TBC).

    (2 remaining out of 3)
    Executive Producer

    If you would like to donate this amount, you are not only investing in the film, but also the careers of those involved. This money will help us have full completion of the film and set an exciting goal for us to get this film out to audiences worldwide.

    In return for this investment, you will become part of our entire journey! We'll keep you updated with the festival run, its wins (and its losses!) and forward you any invites to festivals for you to attend (if you want). You'll also receive all other rewards, of course, and your credit would be under the 'executive producer' banner with
