Heyyyyy everyone and HUGE apologies for the radio silence. It has certainly been a unique time, what a year! We can't wait for it to end, bring on 2021! Ecstasy has had it's highs and lows and then a considerable amount of pause and delays whilst we navigate the world of working in film. Income streams slowed, we had to adapt to a new way of working and wait until certain restrictions lifted and confidence changed and then in the UK we had to go through that whole rollercoaster twice and it's still ongoing *sigh*. But we got there in the end!

The great news is that we have locked the edit for Ecstasy! After socially distanced edit sessions and live zooms and lots of notes flying back and forth across emails and messages and phone calls etc we have an edit that we love and we hope you will love too. What does this mean? Well, now that the edit is locked we can move forward. I was lucky enough to take part in a live chat with the team at greenly recently to talk about the project and where we are position, so check it out here: https://fb.watch/2z5yps8_yv/

Now that the edit is locked the next steps involve the following:

1. Sound Design - All the sound effects and ironing out of dialogue so that everyone can hear our actors perfectly.
2. Music/ Composition - Exactly that, we'll be adding a score to the film to help increase all the emotion and tension in scenes and leave audiences dancing in their seat at the end.
3. Colour Grading - Adding colour and evening out the images so it all feels in the same world even though we filmed on 3 different days in different lighting conditions.

All these steps can take place at the same time and we're hoping that by the end of February the movie will be close to completion!

Our plan is to do a screening, whether it's live or on the internet on April 11th, World Parkinson's Day 2021 and then do a Q&A afterwards and from then on we'll be entering our movie into festivals so it makes the maximum impact possible.

Thank you for baring with and supporting us in this crazy crazy year, it's meant the world. The delays we've faced we're unexpected... very unexpected but we want to get back on track and share an amazing film that YOU made happen. Making this movie and donating a considerable sum to Parkinson's research has truly meant the world. We could not have done it without you, so whatever your feelings are about this year, from our perspective all of you that helped us out did an amazing thing and we will be forever grateful!


Grant, Emily and the whole Ecstasy team!