Hey everyone! 

We hope you're all well. We've just had a lovely article written about our film by the wonderful people at Parkinson's Life magazine, you can have a read here: 



In other news the eagle eye'd amongst you may have seen that on the greenlit platform it says that we have a £15,000 goal. To be clear the movie will get completed on everything we've raised so far and we can deliver on our rewards, we just wanted to leave the crowdfunding platform open-ended so if we attract any new people to the project they feel like they can still be a part of it. From our perspective, if we can raise even more money towards Parkinson's research we will and we'll split any new money raised 50:50 between Parkinson's research and giving us extra flexibility in post-production.

Next up we have an exciting Q&A with our Editor with the question on every lips... 'When will Ecstasy be completed?'... stay tuned.