Hey everyone, we hope you're having an amazing week. We've been really busy recently working hard and making up for lost time in the freelance filmmaking world. Everything seems to be go... which is great and very exhausting all at the same time... BUT in other AMAZING news, we've just completed our donation to Parkinson's research that you all helped make happen! THANKS AGAIN... what a joy it's been having all of you support us, we all got to help make a movie and support Parkinson's research all in one go, one of life's win-wins... we hope! Anyway look, you all did an amazing thing and I feel pretty emotional typing this but thanks everyone, we dream of a day when the movie's complete and you're all in a cinema watching it in all its glory!

Here is the Parkinson's breakthrough appeal that YOU helped support, helmed by Dr Heather Mortiboys who kindly did a Q & A with us here: https://greenlit.fund/project/ecstasy/updates/meet-dr-heather-mortiboys…
