
We did it! We filmed our night shoot AND... everything went according to plan! PHEW! Unlike last time there was no burst tyres, no late arrival of the lighting van and no BIBLICAL rain. The police did make a short appearance on our set but they weren't there for us. It was probably one of the smoothest filming experiences we've ever had, the crew were amazing and our cast delivered take after take! We worked hard and captured everything we needed and the only negative is that at the end of it we were shattered. We were working hard from 5pm until 6am, a proper night shoot and since the shoot, we've tried to rest as much as possible.

So what comes next... when will the film be complete... 

We're working hard to provide answers to these questions, right now the film is being edited and we're trying to get to the point where we have an edit of the film that is as closely aligned to the script as possible. After we finesse this and take on feedback we'll eventually lock the edit and work on all the bits that take our movie from the edit to a masterpiece, we're talking adding in sound effects and music, 80% of the film experience is in the sound, we've got a way to go until we get to this point so hold tight.

In the coming weeks and months, we'll have the time and capacity to create more updates, have more Q&As with the cast and crew, share more behind the scenes pictures and deliver on our rewards.

Thank you so much for your incredible support on this journey so far!

Grant and the Ecstasy team