Hopes and Beans

On a grey London morning Zoe offers to buy a stranger a coffee after reading about it in a self-help book. And it goes terribly wrong. So she starts over – even worse. And again - car crash. Until we realise we’re stuck in a loop of the worst possible scenarios inside her head.

But this feel-bad comedy has a feel-good twist. There might be something to buying a stranger a coffee after all?

raised of £3,500.00 goal
37 Backers
Seeking funding for
Campaign type
Flexible Funding
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    Hopes and Beans

    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding

    Hopes and Beans is a short comedy written, directed and starring Klara Kaliger, produced by Athanasia Bartzoka, executive-produced by Noor Kanoo, and shot by Natalja Safronova.

    It's a story about social anxiety and the frustrating fact that our own mind is what often gets in our way - in the most creative, cruel ways. What would actually happen if on a grey London morning, instead of minding your own business, you offered to buy someone who’s trying to mind their own business, a coffee? As we squirm and cringe and laugh our way through Zoe's imagined - but plausible - scenarios, most of us can probably recognise ourselves and relate to her struggle. But it's ultimately a story about connection and kindness - about reaching out, opening up to people and allowing ourselves to be pleasantly surprised.

    Hopes and Beans originally came to life on stage at Theatre503 in London, to an overwhelmingly positive response. Having seen how much the story resonated with people, Klara decided to share it with even more people, developed the story and adapted it for screen, and then teamed up with her unstoppable amazing all-female team to turn the letters on the page into a whole new little world.

    It's a fun, silly, playful and stylised film, with a strong visual identity, a unique tone that combines heightened and deadpan, but also carries a strong message and tackles a serious and important issue. And what better way is there to talk about serious and important issues than comedy?



    I am particularly interested in female-led stories and playful innovation, both in terms of story and form. I love work that surprises and provokes thoughts and questions about human behaviour and relevant, deeper issues. 

    Over the past few years there's been a huge rise in awareness and conversation around mental health (yay) and it's important to keep telling these stories, to let each other know we're not alone - in fact a lot of us probably share a lot of similar experiences. Social anxiety (and of course, anxiety in general) is present in so many of our lives, especially among younger generations - and it seems like this has only been amplified in the post-covid world. The modern-day, information-packed, dopamine-driven life in a big city such as London can sometimes feel lonely, isolating and overwhelming.

    Yep, there's a lot to be cynical about, but in these weird, difficult and anxiety-inducing times we live in, I find it particularly important to tell warm human stories that connect; to laugh, and create light through my work. Because there always is joy and light to be found when we really look and see one another. Also, there's always something to laugh about because, you know, we're quite a silly, bizarre little species - in case you haven't noticed.


    What's all this got to do with you, you ask?

    Well, if you would like to support a team of young female filmmakers and be a part of a fun, fresh, unique film with a big heart and an important message - you've come to the right place!

    We've got a pretty solid, reasonable plan for this. After prep, pre-production and some rehearsals in January, it will be a two-day shoot at one location, with three cast members and minimal crew. After that, we'll cut this little diamond in the alchemy lab called post-production, and then wrap it up nicely and send it off to festivals, so we can share it with the world. The catch is though - all these things happen to cost money.

    We've already got some funding in place and we're working hard behind the scenes - but we're not quite there yet. We've also got a clear vision and want to make the best possible version of Hopes and Beans, and that's only possible with your help. 'Cause that's what Hopes and Beans is all about - turning to one another and reaching out!

    We want to be transparent with you, so if you are the bestest person in the world and decide to donate, here's what your money will go towards:



    If you don't, that's totally fair. Worry not, you can still be the bestest person by supporting the project in other ways, like sharing the campaign far and wide and tell everyone you know about what a great idea this is.

    In the highly unlikely event of disagreeing with the above - fine... At least buy a stranger a coffee then.

    raised of £3,500.00 goal
    37 Backers
    Single Shot Espresso - You want your coffee punchy and quick

    Your help will go a long way! You will receive a personal thank you note from the production.

    Espresso Lungo - Excellent flavour to last longer

    On top of a personalised thank you from production, expect a high-resolution digital poster in your inbox too!

    Americano - You want something that will hold you for as long as possible

    And for that reason, along with the above, we'll top your cup up with a digital copy of our shooting script.

    Cappuccino - No further explanation is needed

    Along with all the previous rewards, you get to see your name in the end credits.

    Latte - Creamy and smooth

    You will be among the first to receive a link to preview our film, on top of all the above.

    Flat White - The perfect amount of milk

    Along with all the previous rewards, you will have the pleasure of receiving our BTS footage and getting a closer look at how we’ve built the film.

    House Special - A Cup of Script Development!

    Do you have a script you could really use some notes/constructive feedback on? Or an idea you want to develop but don't know where to start? Or do you just fancy chatting about scripts, writing or development? One-on-one coffee with Klara to discuss script stuff!

    (3 remaining out of 3)
    Mocha - You are very kind and sweet

    And for that reason, you are invited to come on set and visit us! We will buy you a coffee... on the house.

    (3 remaining out of 3)
    Pumpkin Spice Latte. With all the toppings you want.

    By helping us out with this generous amount, you deserve an Associate Producer credit. Expect to see your name in the film & on IMDb.
