
"Jasteece" tells the story of an elderly woman that has to face the consequences brought up by a difficult decision she made years ago in order to support her family, whilst the News rage of the unfairness of the justice system that lets criminals go unpunished due to their status in society.

raised of £9,000.00 goal
10 Backers
Seeking funding for
Campaign type
Flexible Funding
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    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding


    Zoe is a working-class woman. Born and raised in mid-20th century Greece, she has had a rough life, one she had to fight to earn. School was a luxury in the years she grew up. But her basic education did not deem her unable to work. Her hands and her ethics have been her strengths, and she managed to secure work as a cleaner in public schools for almost all her adult life. Work that allowed her to feed her children and build a decent home for them.

    Now, in her 70s and with her husband ill, she refuses to stop working, as her income doesn't even begin to cover her household and all never-ending medical bills. She is trying to retire, yet the requirements make it harder and harder. Therefore the time she can spend at home to care for her husband is limited. Whilst news reports are packed with cases proving the system's favourable treatment to those with power against the unfairness they treat those without it, Zoe has to face the consequences of the decision she made years ago that was the catalyst in her ability to support her family.



    Noone can claim that there is a shortage of incidents of injustice, maltreatment and malpractice from all structures formed to protect the people. Yet the daily effect of this corruption is rarely ever discussed. And this is what this film aims to expose: the utter erosion of the Justice system and the increased police brutality, both very much striking issues worldwide.

    Through Zoe, we will see how normal people struggle to make ends meet, especially people of a certain age that barely earn any income that can cover their needs, let alone a household's needs and medical bills that increase day by day. As if her own personal daily struggle isn’t enough, Zoe gets bombarded by ruthless strikes that only emphasise how the system favours criminals in positions of power, with a name in society.

    We live in times where stories like Zoe’s and worse happen daily right next to us, yet are barely heard. In this modern day of technology and countless TV platforms, it feels more than relevant to use art to bring forth such stories outside of country boundaries and raise awareness around issues that get lost in the midst of numerous others that feel more relevant. It's important to highlight not just the rotten system, but also how people's perception of the worth of someone's work, can lead even the most honest person to make tough decisions in order to support the ones they care about. Decisions that might cost them. Decisions that, in moments of despair, are deemed necessary in order to achieve the minimal human right: not life, but survival.



    It is, isn't it? Yet when did Justice have your back? The title derives from the greek, also misspelled equivalent word for "justice" that decorated the signs for one of the country's biggest protest rallies on December 2022. The rally was supported by hundreds of thousands of people in honour of a 16 year old Roma boy that was shot and killed by a policeman for not paying a 20€ bill in the gas station.

    The child died. The policeman was never convicted. Justice, right?



    • "I already loved the story, but after reading the actual script, I felt enthralled and now I want to be a part of making this film happen even more."
    • "You are the script-writing Dostoevsky!"
    • "This script makes you experience every emotion, touch every detail, see every space and just sympathise in a massive way. I would have never believed it's someone's writing debut!"


    The "Jasteece" team consists of a plethora of creatives from all ages, all with a working-class background and a true passion to deliver engaging stories.



    We believe in the impact films have. We believe that cinema makes everyone contemplate and take stands. This film is a cry for all the every day people struggling that we hope audiences will relate to. And we firmly believe that art should not be available only to the privileged but also to all working-class professionals that wish to make their vision reality.

    We also don't support free work for the sake of a credit. We believe that everyone must be paid their due and this is the biggest reason behind our campaign: we want to make sure each member of our cast and crew get properly reimbursed for their time and effort in making this project happen.

    Apart from that, this production is a collaboration between creatives in the UK and Greece, which means there's a lot of travelling involved. We hope that through this campaigh, we'll also manage to cover some, if not all, of these costs for our team.

    Your contribution is not just monetary help for us, but also your signal to the industry that you wish to see this film on the big screen.



    Regardless of if you consider donating or not, we truly want to thank you for taking the time to check out our project!

    raised of £9,000.00 goal
    10 Backers
    Shoutout on the film's social media

    A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.


    - A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.
    - Exclusive first teaser trailer sent to you via a link in your email, before the official trailer's release.

    Digital Poster

    - A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.
    - Exclusive first teaser trailer sent to you via a link in your email, before the official trailer's release
    - A signed digital poster (high-res), straight into your inbox

    Special thanks in the credits

    - A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.
    - Exclusive first teaser trailer sent to you via a link in your email, before the official trailer's release
    - A signed digital poster (high-res), straight into your inbox
    - Special thanks credit on the film's end credits

    Digital Producer Credit

    - A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.
    - Exclusive first teaser trailer sent to you via a link in your email, before the official trailer's release
    - A signed digital poster (high-res), straight into your inbox
    - A Digital Producer credit on the film's end credits

    Senior Digital Producer credit

    - A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.
    - Exclusive first teaser trailer sent to you via a link in your email, before the official trailer's release
    - A signed digital poster (high-res), straight into your inbox
    - A Senior Digital Producer credit on the film's end credits

    Associate Producer credit

    - A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.
    - Exclusive first teaser trailer sent to you via a link in your email, before the official trailer's release
    - A signed digital poster (high-res), straight into your inbox
    - An Associate Producer credit in the end credits

    Senior Associate Producer credit

    - A big shoutout and your name recorded on our soon-to-be-launced social media pages.
    - Exclusive first teaser trailer sent to you via a link in your email, before the official trailer's release
    - A signed digital poster (high-res), straight into your inbox
    - A Senior Associate Producer credit in the end credits

    (2 remaining out of 2)