Longitude: a clockmaker's obsession
We've written a musical about the extraordinary struggle of a humble clockmaker against the establishment. A national hero, although at the time of his death, a broken man. Musicals are notoriously expensive. This one tells an epic story and needs a large cast and orchestra. We've got it this far, but need the last tranche of money to get it onto stage. Thank you so much!
Longitude: a clockmaker's obsession
Dear Friend
Many of you will know that I have been writing a musical for almost nine years. (You’re forgiven if you’re fed up hearing about it.)
The good news is that the writing is just about finished, the music is being orchestrated and we have a booking from the Gatehouse in Highgate, London to stage it next summer. The dates are 14th June – 7th July. (Please put it in your diary!) The bad news is that unless we can raise the final £25,000, it won’t go ahead.
I know that there are many worthy causes asking you for charitable donations. But I also know many of you are passionate supporters of the arts and culture and would love to sponsor this important new piece of writing. You will be forever in our hearts if you could make a donation. Whatever you can afford will be put to good use: We need rehearsal rooms, orchestrators, actors, costumes, etc. and with a large cast and epic story to be told, this doesn’t come cheap. We have invested our savings so far and it would be a shame if we couldn’t complete the job and this work died without making a sound.
Donations of any size will be welcome and everyone will be given a personal thank you in the programme.
Gratefully yours….
The current writing team: William Godfree, Kaz Moloney, David Moloney
A workshop at the Arcola Theatre
Some of our actors at a workshop: Ralph Warman, Shaylyn Gibson, Sam Denia