'#MenToo' is a nonprofit musical comedy which follows the journey of four Meninists- a van man, an academic, a Broga instructor and a start-up entrepreneur- attempting to save their community space from becoming the first Women’s Health centre in the UK. Set to all-original songs such as 'The Brotest' and 'A Catcall for Help', Brian, Dave, Casey and Quest brave the obstacles of a post-#MeToo world

Angry and alienated from so-called 'woke culture', meninists Brian, Casey, Quest and Dave exist on the fringe of society. Frustrated by the turn towards rewriting 'her-story', Brian is a washed-up academic unable to find his footing in the university halls that he once reigned over. By day, start-up wizard Casey rules over the entrepreneurial world, but can't secure a second Tinder date by the time Friday evening rolls round. From the beanbag in his mother's basement, Quest (real name, Daniel) runs a conspiracy podcast unpacking the perceived injustices of the post-#MeToo world. Dave, our small anti-hero, spends the days catcalling women from a white van, unsure of himself and, perhaps, his sexuality.
Every Tuesday at 5pm, these four men leave their separate worlds for Broga. All hell breaks loose, however, when they discover their studio is to be replaced by the county's first Women's Health Centre...

I wrote #MenToo in order to explore the damage of toxic masculinity through an absurd and surreal musical avenue. I have often found film, tv and theatre which focuses on injustices against women to be re-traumatising or overly-didactic in its delivery, reminding audiences how horrific the world can be. #MenToo was created to avoid these tendencies, providing avenues for introspection and education without causing fear. I want to display these behaviours within a performative frame that stands against them: a camp musical theatre space in which characters sing and dance their misogynistic perspectives, undermining the violence of their own words in the process. #MenToo is intended to explore the men who reinforce patriarchy as a result of their own internal conflict to live up to what they perceive to mean ‘being a man’. And what better way to explore one’s identity than to do it through the medium of song?

Why make '#MenToo' now?
#MenToo was created by a group of female writers, musicians, producers and filmmakers in response to the weaponization of identity politics that we've witnessed over the last 5 years. In combining dark, diabolical satire with the glitzzy aesthetic of musical theatre, we wanted to portray offensive, deeply flawed individuals in humorous and unexpected ways.
The teaser trailer was shot pre-lockdown in September 2020. It was put together by our Heads of Department as an insight and mood guide for what our finished film will look and feel like.
Teaser crew:
· Director: Thea Elmsley
· Filmmaker and Editor: Meg Wriggles
· Producer: Marnie Breadin

The pre-production and shoot for ‘#MenToo’ £1650. Whilst we have managed to deliver our cast headshots and teaser trailer for free, we now need to raise funds to ensure that our production value is the highest quality to be submitted for Festival consideration.
The costs will go to the following departments and services:
• Crew fees (Sound and Lighting Technicians)
• Location Hire & Permits
• PPE and Health & Safety
• Equipment hire (Camera, Lighting, Sound)
• Cast and Crew Expenses (incl. travel & catering costs)
The overall costs of the film will amount to £2,000. The additional £350 will be needed for post-production (editing, colour grade and sound mixing) and fees for Fringe Festival submission. As a team, we strongly believe that ‘#MenToo’ has a potential for a rich afterlife. Currently, we are in conversations about adapting the show for a theatrical run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2022. Any and all contributions (however big or small!) will help us get there. Of course, we are aware that the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has had a huge affect on everyone's finances and may well make a financial donation to our project impossible. If this is the case, please know that a share on social media can be just as valuable these days! Share, post, story, tell your mum, your dad, your SO and your nan about '#MenToo' and help get us up and running....

From the entire team of '#MenToo'.....
Thank you for generous contribution to our project. However big or small, we can assure you that your donation gets us one step closer to our goal.