
Swansong follows Ewan as he produces a cabaret for performers who have decided to give up performing while struggling to decide if his own acting dreams are worth saving.

raised of £5,000.00 goal
50 Backers
Seeking funding for
Campaign type
Flexible Funding
Support project


    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding

    We are raising funds to cover various aspects of production, but what I'd like to tell you about first is what we already have secured. 

    • Camera Package -  with the brand new Alexa 35 which is used across high end TV & Film. 
    • Lighting Package - with several smaller lights that can be used for the majority of shooting. 
    • Sound Package -  we have all the sound equipment secured.
    • Talented Cast & Crew.
    • £1k budget. We wouldn't ask you to donate to something that we wouldn't put our own money into! 

    However to truly make this film the best it can be, we need a little more help. The funding will go towards;

    • Camera Lenses - we have an incredible camera, but we need the right lenses. We have aimed to rent out the Blackwing 7 lenses as they will be perfect for the project. 
    • Grip Kit - We need specialist grip kit such as a steadicam, tripod and slider. 
    • Specialist Lighting - Working in a theatre will require a few specialist lights.
    • Catering - We need to make sure our whole team are fed! 
    • Film Festival Submission Fees. We are aiming to get this film into the high end film festivals. Of which there are at least thirty in the UK alone. Each submission can cost around £25-£30, so the submissions soon add up. 
    • Location.

    We are trying to put this film together with as small a budget as possible to make sure it becomes a reality, as this is a story that truly needs to be told.

    raised of £5,000.00 goal
    50 Backers
    Early Access!!!

    Receive a digital link to the film upon its completion, before anybody else, as it embarks on the UK festival circuit.

    (86 remaining out of 100)
    Join the Team for a Q&A!

    You will be invited to an hour long Zoom Q&A, at a set date and time, with the the Director and Producers of the film.

    (26 remaining out of 30)
    A Peak behind the Curtain!

    Receive a Digital Copy of the Director's Script, as well as bespoke storyboards from the film.

    (12 remaining out of 15)
    We've got Merch!

    Receive a Physical Poster of the script, signed by the whole cast & crew, along with a set of set taken images which will be taken by the crew.

    (11 remaining out of 15)
    1-2-1 Session with Chris - The Director

    A 1-2-1 with the Chris Deakin, the Writer & Director of the film.
    Chris can run a 1-2-1 session on Filmmaking, Writing or Acting

    (3 remaining out of 4)
    1-2-1 Session with Alice - The Producer

    A 1-2-1 Session with Alice Brockway who can offer sessions on; Working with Actors, Mental Health within the Industry, Writing and so much more.

    (4 remaining out of 4)
    1-2-1 Session with Neal - The Producer

    A 121 Session with Neal the Producer who can offer an insight into producing short film, or festival strategy for your upcoming project.

    (4 remaining out of 4)
    Director's Commentary, Scripts & Storyboards

    Receive a Digital Copy of the film along with a director's commentary. You will also receive the Director's Copy of the script & Storyboards. This will be a full insight into the process and the outcome of the film.

    (10 remaining out of 10)
    Package 1: Link, Poster, BTS, Script, Storyboard, Commentary & Q&A

    You will receive:
    An early link to the film.
    A physical signed copy of the poster.
    Digital behind the scenes photographs.
    Digital Director's Script & Storyboards.
    The Director's commentary.
    An invite to a Zoom Q&A with the Director and Producers of the film.

    (4 remaining out of 5)
    Package2 Link, Poster, Script, Storyboard, Commentary, 30 Min Q&A with Director, 1-2-1 With Director/Producer

    You will receive a package of the following:
    An early link to the film.
    A physical poster signed by the cast and crew.
    Director's Script & Storyboards.
    The Director's Commentary.
    An invite to a Q&A with the Director & producers on Zoom.
    1-2-1 Session with either the Director or Producer for one hour.

    (5 remaining out of 5)
    Package 3: Link, Poster, Script, Storyboard, Commentary, 30 Min Q&A with Director 2 hour 1-1, & Shadowing.

    In this package you will receive the following:
    An early link to the film.
    A physical poster from the film signed by the cast and crew.
    Digital copy of the directors script and storyboards.
    Director's commentary.
    An invite to a zoom Q&A with the Director & Producers
    1-2-1 Session with the Director or Producer for 2 hours. (Can be claimed in 2 x 1 hour sessions)
    Shadow the Director on Set

    (2 remaining out of 2)
    Package 4, Link, Poster, Script, Storyboard, Commentary, 30 Min Q&A with Director 2 hour 1-1, & Shadowing.

    In this package you will receive the following:
    An early link to the film.
    A physical poster from the film signed by the cast and crew.
    Digital copy of the directors script and storyboards.
    Director's commentary.
    An invite to a zoom Q&A with the Director & Producers
    1-2-1 Session with the Director or Producer for 2 hours. (Can be claimed in 2 x 1 hour sessions)
    Shadow the Cinematographer on Set

    (2 remaining out of 2)
    Executive Producer Credit

    You will receive an Executive Producer credit on the film.
    Your name will appear at the beginning of the film on its own slate.

    (5 remaining out of 5)