Transmutation is an audio-visual fantastia exploring monstrous androgyny in the metamorphosis of the body through surrealism.
The film unfolds as a hypnotic spiral of sequences: two celestial characters awaken and fuse into a mythological being.
The film is a collaboration with the Guildhall Orchestra, who will be creating an original score with experimental composer Sioul Blaphate.
Spirals, Magic, Fantasia!
A magician discovers a mysterious woman born out of a lion corpse who he becomes symbiotically entwined, the two bodies fuse into a single celestial entity - becoming the alchemical fusion between the Sun and Moon/Body and Soul. The film centres on the monstrous androgyny in a spiral of alchemical events taking place in tandem with the transmutation of several characters. The film is kinetically told in an enfolding series of feverish monochromatic vignettes like a dizzying dream.

Our aim is to create a film like a visual-spell, an alchemical engraving from another time, informed by the primacy of gesture, and movement.
Transmutation will be a collaboration between a talented and dedicated team of young and diverse creatives. The film will feature a chaotic original score by composer Louis Perrett (Sioul Blaphate) in collaboration with the Guildhall Orchestra.

Working on celluloid, the presence of diffused fermented soft-edges will inform the texture the films' visual language, we will be using vaseline lenses to create a as if seen from a tired eye, or a mirage.
The grain and organic texture of film is crucial to the aesthetics of the film, Transmutation is inspired and references a period of magic in cinema, theatre, and surrealism. Filmmakers bound by ritual, time, and illusion, much in the vain of experimental filmmakers like Patrick Bokanowski, Maya Deren, George Méliès, and Karlen Zeman.
The film will capture a synthesis between planimetric tableaus composition, and theatrical masks. All appropriated into an underlying ritualistic narrative, that emulates a primordial sense of image, a film that exists more as a spell than a story.
Through referencing these filmmakers, I want to present a metamodern nostalgia, an invocation of an archaic past which is re-written as a present.

We Need Your Support
As young emerging creatives beginning their career, this project comes as a labour of love across a talented team of creatives all eager to bring together a wild and creative vision. This project is a great opportunity to support emerging queer and neurodivergent creatives. Experimental films are becoming impossible to fund with governments cutting art funds, especially in a time of a financial crisis.
Money is scarce, especially for films like this which challenge and explore unusual territory.
And with no financial support from our University, we are in need of your help to make this film.
We want to bring ourselves the freedom of a budget to cover production & crew costs for what will be an incredibly challenging and rewarding form of shooting. Your support will ensure that we will be given a fluid workflow. Your support is crucial for enabling us to tell the craziest and most technically realised version ofthis film.
Which is why we will be infinitely grateful for anything you can give, if you cannot donate please share this with your friends and familiars, and together we can create this seance.