I hope you are keeping well!
This is another little update for all crowd funders for the Veins of the Earth Teaser. I have had some issues with sending out these email updates for a few months now, as there appeared to be an error with the emails actually sending! So I do hope you receive this update.
The teaser edit is getting closer to the finish line! Due to some team date changes and other logistics of behind the scenes production, there was a slight delay. However, we are on our way to reaching the next milestone and it is all flowing as it should! I am super excited to reveal the next stages/steps ahead, as per the journey really is ever evolving.
As usual, just a huge thank you for your support, we cant thank all our backers/crowd funders enough!
As things continue to progress with the edit and nearing teaser completion I will post more updates. Remember to stay tuned on my Instagram and Linkedin for even more regular updates on the process as-well.
Keep safe and thanks again!
All the best,
Emmeline Hardisty, BSc, MRes
Wildlife biologist and Documentary Director